Personal Trainer Training Program at 24 Hour Fitness

Success Stories from 24 Hour Fitness

Be Inspired.

For more than 25 years, we’ve provided ordinary people with the tools, coaching, and positive atmosphere needed to successfully reach their goals. Each person has their own story. Some have shared their weight loss success stories. Others have told us how they changed their lives by conquering pain or overcoming physical limitations. And all have told us what it meant to have 24 Hour Fitness as a partner on their journey.

These are the stories we live for. Whether it’s a simple 15-pound weight loss or a life-changing physical milestone, these stories are aching to be told.

Their success can be your success!

24 Hour Fitness Member of the Month!

Yolanda H.


Yolanda H. from Hayward, CA is able to cross "lose 200 pounds" off her to do list. The picture says it all... that really is Yolanda standing in one leg of her old jeans. With the help of 24 Hour Fitness Personal Trainer Jason G., Yolanda has adopted a regular exercise routine and changed her eating habits.

Yolanda, we love your new motto: One day at a time. One step at a time. One meal at a time.  Read more.

Glen V.


24 Hour Fitness member, Glenn V. from Lakewood, CA was always known as the "chubby kid." Poor eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle only made matters worse.  After joining 24 Hour Fitness two years ago, Glenn is now 135 pounds lighter with much more self-confidence!

Congratulations Glenn, keep up the great work!  Read Glenn's story.


Stephen L.


24 Hour Fitness member, Stephen L. from Danville, CA has lost an amazing 364 pounds! An inactive lifestyle and eating the wrong foods caused Stephen's weight to reach 655 pounds at his heaviest.

Watch Steven's video to find out more.



Leticia M.

24 Hour Fitness Member of the Month:  Leticia M. 

Leticia M. from Fort Worth, TX has always participated in sports.  After college, when life happens and priorities shift, Leticia lost the time and the motivation for sports and exercise.  It wasn't until she discovered amateur bodybuilding that Leticia found her new motivation.

24 Hour Fitness is proud to name Leticia M. our October/November 2010 Member of the Month!  Leticia reached her goals with lifestyle changes for long term success.  Read Leticia's story.


Donald C.

24 Hour Fitness Member: Donald C. 

24 Hour Fitness member Donald C. from San Clemente, CA is our August 2010 Member of the Month!  While only 74 1/2 years old, Donald says his daily workouts are what helps him stay young.  His goals are simple:  stay active and healthy and his success is obvious.

Donald, you truly are an inspiration.  Keep up the great work!  Read Donald's story.


Matthew S.

24 Hour Fitness Member:  Matthew S. 

Matthew S. from Tarzana, CA had a weight problem... he couldn't wait to eat.  Matthew made up his mind that it was time to turn his life around so he joined 24 Hour Fitness.  To date, Matthew has lost over 100 pounds and he's been able to keep the weight off!

24 Hour Fitness is excited to name Matthew S. our July 2010 Member of the Month!  Check out Matthew's story and his amazing before and after photos.


Monika L.

24 Hour Fitness Member:  Monika L. 

Monika L. from Signal Hill, CA is our June 2010 Member of the Month! With support from our Team Members at her North Torrance, CA club, Monika has lost over 46 pounds and finished her first 5K!  Currently, Monika is training for a half marathon.

Keep up the great work Monika!  You're an inspiration to us all and we're proud you're part of our 24 Hour Fitness family!  Read Monika's story.


To nominate someone for Member of the Month (including yourself), please visit our Member of the Month page.

More 24 Hour Fitness Success Stories

From our start, 24 Hour Fitness has played a role in changing over 12 million lives.  To read more motivational stories or share your own, please visit

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