If you currently have a Limited Term membership, you can renew by selecting another Limited Term membership to continue your fitness progress.
Update Club Access
If you wish to expand your club access there are options available for both Monthly payment memberships and Yearly Renewal memberships. Whether it’s updating your access from One Club to Regional, or from Active, Sport or Regional to National access we have a plan for you. We’ll credit any unused portion of your current membership toward any fees due for your updated membership.
If you currently have a Limited Term membership, you can convert to a monthly payment or another Limited Term membership at any time. We'll credit any unused portion of your current Limited Term membership towards the purchase of your new membership!
Other Ways to Update Your Membership
You can update your membership when visiting your club, it’s easier than you might think!
Find a Club
Call or visit your local club. Our team members can help match you to the best program to meet your needs and can answer any questions about the programs available near you.