Erase Back Pain With This Move

December is a time of celebration and spending time with loved ones, which means you’ll be doing lots of hugging friends, relatives, your kids. All these hugs, plus hunching over your computer and phone all day, can literally unspool the soft tissues of your back.

Jill Miller, creator of The Roll Model® Method, shares a bonus pain-relieving move from her acclaimed self-care practice. This move will help you gear up—and stand up—for whatever the holidays and 2019 bring your way, by putting your back on your back!

To get started, you’ll need two Yoga Tune Up® Balls.

Put Your Back, Back On Your Back

The more time you spend hunched over, the more the soft tissues in your back stretch and start to spool off axis, meaning they’re not on your joints the way they should be.

To put your back, back on your back, grab a pair of Yoga Tune Up® Therapy Balls and start plowing those erectors.

Video credit: Courtesy of The Roll Model® Method; Photo credit: Todd Cribari,