Catch Your Breath

Unintentionally, many of us have adopted poor habits of posture, movement and lack of awareness over the years, resulting in faulty breathing patterns. We’ve lost our natural capacity to breathe, fully and deeply. Our ability to utilize oxygen and generate vitality at the cellular level impacts our metabolism, alters our emotions, and ultimately translates into our ability to move well throughout our day.

Expert Jill Miller, bestselling author of “The Roll Model” and creator of the Treat While You Train program brings us back to our native breath with simple, easy-to-access-anywhere, “Relax and Roll” practices that liberate our bodies and our breath.


Equipment: Therapy Ball Plus

Get more out of your 20,000 breaths each day. The muscles that surround your ribcage get tight from training or overtraining and from a chronic sitting position — and as a result, restrict your breath. Try this remedy for immediate relief.


Equipment: Coregeous® Ball

Feel stuck in your ability to rotate and move in your day? We have what it takes to unwind your spine.


Equipment: Therapy Balls and a block or thick book

Struggling with the tension in your face but not sure how to release it?

Learn more about Jill Miller’s self-care release techniques, “The Roll Model,” and purchase Therapy Balls and other tools here.