
Forward Motion


What does it mean to be in forward motion? Does it mean faster results? In 0.64 seconds, Google will answer the query of weight loss with 1.2 billion results to explore. In 0.50 seconds, Google will deliver about 183 million results to the query detox. Is that forward motion? And if we get more specific to search for a seven day detox, we can find 160 million ideas to explore in .036 seconds.

It is indeed a blessing to have health, fitness and wellness information at our fingertips and from all perspectives. The experts and gatekeepers are no longer a deterrent. Information, when used consciously and strategically—and when properly applied in context and dosage—can do wonders to inform, instruct and inspire us into action. Just think of Whole30, P90X or Kayla Itsines and the millions of people they have inspired to get moving and sweat their way to a better life through fitness and good nutrition. That is forward motion.

Not having access to sound advice doesn’t help, and lack of knowledge can hinder our ability to move forward to our goals. My current, grown-up self might advise my teenage self that if she had Google back then, she would discover that a 32-ounce mini-mart mug of Diet Coke and a handful of Bit-O-Honey candies for breakfast, seven days a week, was creating a negative physiological impact on her body and making her athletic endeavors all the more challenging. With knowledge, perhaps she would have chosen differently.

Yet somehow, I don’t believe that it would have made a difference. We all know too well that knowledge alone hardly ever compels lasting behavior change. It is hard to stop a destructive addiction or a habit of playing small! What does inspire change is a relatable, compelling story. Stories of others who have walked the same path and found their way can shine a light for us—others who can look back and say that the journey was worth every step. This is forward motion worth a Google.

Keeping you going this summer

It is also helpful to take time to nourish yourself along the way, wherever you might be headed. This is why I’m in love with this July issue of 24Life. It’s the deep of summer, and we are going deep on health—functional health, inspirational health, aspirational health—the type of deep health that gives you the energy, vitality and wellness to live the life of your dreams.

To guide our conversation, we are delighted to introduce you to the brilliance of Dr. Josh Axe, DNM, DC, CNS, a certified doctor of natural medicine, doctor of chiropractic and clinical nutritionist with a passion to help people eat healthy and live a healthy lifestyle. In 2008, Axe started a functional medicine center in Nashville, Tennessee, which grew to become one of the most renowned clinics in the world, and his natural health website DrAxe.com, which at over 17 million monthly visitors is considered the No. 1 natural health website in the world today. He shares his advice with us on nutrition, natural medicine, DIY remedies—and he designed our July monthly health challenge, below. (You’ll be happy to know it doesn’t involve a give-up-everything-you-like detox.)

That said, you will have a chance to detox with us in a different way. We caught up with Petra Kolber, beloved international fitness celebrity, in-demand speaker and author of “The Perfection Detox.” She guides us to detox the thoughts and habits of perfection that weigh us down and keep us from our joy.

Forward thinking

Speaking of joy, Patricia Moreno, world-renowned mind-body expert, trailblazer in the fitness world, inspirational motivator, mother and wife, shares with us her secret recipe. Moreno has made a huge impact in the lives of tens of thousands of people worldwide. She created a signature workout—the intenSati Method—and transformative program Sati365 to serve as a powerful force for positive change in the world. She also continues to find revolutionary ways to uplift her students and help them to change, inside and out. Moreno believes that through conscious, intentional living, a commitment to excellence and the power of love, we can detox from the thoughts that hold us back and live a life filled with peace, happiness and joy.

Call this forward thinking. And to keep you moving, don’t miss the summer workouts and recipes intended to keep you in play despite heat waves and whatever other intensities life might bring your way. (Hey, Google, how’s that for solutions at your fingertips?) HAPPY SUMMER.

July Editor’s Challenge, Courtesy of Dr. Axe

Dr. Josh Axe recommends including one fermented food in your diet each day for 31 days. Fermented foods such as tempeh, natto, kombucha, kefir and kimchi are packed with probiotics, which can help balance the beneficial bacteria in your gut.

The health of your gut is integral to many aspects of overall health and can influence everything from immune function to mental health and inflammation. The bacteria in your gut also can impact metabolism as well as the digestion of fiber and certain antioxidants.

Not only that, but some research shows that the gut microbiome may regulate fat storage and could play a role in weight management, as well. When paired with a nutritious diet and healthy lifestyle, including a serving of fermented food in your diet each day can help maximize the health of your gut.

Try starting your day with a bit of natto, probiotic yogurt or kefir. You also can swap out soda or fruit juice for a glass of kombucha, which is refreshing, delicious and great for gut health.

Photo credit: iuliia_n, Thinkstock