How Bo Eason Lives Life as an Ultra-Present Man
Bo Eason is a former NFL player, acclaimed Broadway playwright and performer and an international presence coach.
He has trained with some of the world’s most brilliant performance and movement coaches and has logged more than 20,000 hours on stage crafting and presenting his personal story.
His play, “Runt of the Litter,” has toured in more than 50 cities and opened in New York City to critical acclaim. Eason is now dedicated to helping others tap the power of their personal stories in order to become effective, persuasive communicators and live the life of their dreams.
24Life recently sat down with Eason to learn how he handles stress, stays fit and tackles his day.
24Life: What tips would you offer for getting more out of your workout?
Bo Eason (BE): I do a dynamic workout to get my body activated for the day. The warm-up is the most important part, because all of the exercises are about accessing the central nervous system — connecting the brain to body movement. I call this a “biochemical cascade.”
24Life: You only have 24 minutes to work out today. What would you do?
BE: I would do what my trainer Tim Adams calls “pre-hab work.” It’s a lot of planks, lunges, hops, skips and jumps. These exercises are about creating a relationship with the ground, pushing through and using it for more power.
24Life: How do you stay fit when traveling?
BE: I always travel with a ball to roll out on as well as a resistance band – that way I can do my “pre-hab” routine in a hotel room. I’m also adamant about adding in recovery time to regenerate when I’m attending events.
24Life: What stresses you and what’s your #1 stress buster?
BE: Watching the news is a little bit of a stressor or distractor for me. But I’m quick to right the ship and get back on course. I think about my family and the business we are building and I get right back on track – which is a stress buster.
24Life: Secrets to getting stuff done?
BE: Cut out distractions. You know what they are, you know what triggers them and you know how to get rid of them. I live by the “’66 Days of Domination” tactic, which is a way of getting things done. I attack something for 66 days, then at the end, it’s done and I’ve got a new skill or I’ve quit a bad habit.
24Life: Any tips for meditation or reflection?
BE: I’m a writer, and that’s how I reflect – in fact, I keep butcher paper in my office and use that to create and write ideas.
24Life: What’s your greatest passion (outside of helping people become their best)?
BE: Family and being an ultra-present husband and father.
24Life: Where do you find inspiration?
BE: Anytime I feel like I need to create something new, I go to one of two places — a grass field or a dark theater. Inspiration comes from taking bold action. I like to work out or play out my ideas in practice and rehearsal.
24Life: What’s on your bedside table (reading) or top of your podcast/playlist?
BE: Something by Steven Pressfield – “The War of Art”, “Turning Pro,” or “The Warrior Ethos” — these are all books I’ve been reading for years, and I will read these books over and over again until they are inside of me.
24Life: Advice to the world in one sentence or your favorite quote?
BE: I love this This Bobby Knight quote: The key is not the will to win … everybody has that. It is the will to prepare to win that is important.”
For more information on Eason and his events, visit For a step-by-step to your build own dream life, check out “Living the Dream with Bo Eason” in the latest issue of 24Life magazine.