Jennifer Finds the Power to Persevere

When the results came back from the biopsy, the news was enough to bring life to a screeching halt: Breast cancer.

Then, 24 Hour Fitness member Jennifer Rideout learned her contract position—and health insurance—would not be renewed by her employer.

Rideout’s diagnosis was not the first in her family, and she knew she had to put some kind of support in place for herself, to get through the grueling treatment ahead. That’s where her fitness regimen became key, as well as her community at 24 Hour Fitness.

Watch Rideout’s story and discover the unexpected ways her cycle class showed up for her, the impact of her front-row presence every Sunday, and yet another (good) surprise in her journey.

Results not typical and may vary per individual. With a regular diet and exercise routine, typical weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week. Please consult a physician before starting or changing a fitness routine. Personal training and virtual personal training available to 24 Hour Fitness members for an additional fee.

Photo, video credits: Jennifer Rideout; Mark Kuroda,