Deadlift Basics: All You Need To Know To Master This Move

We love this power-packed exercise as it’s great for strengthening all the muscles down the back of your body, building core strength and improving posture. It can also work wonders for athleticism, as building strong posterior muscles is key to helping you move faster during cardio training.

The muscles you work

During the deadlift you build integrated back and leg strength by working all the muscles of the posterior chain in unison. This means that all the muscles down the back of your body are engaged; the hamstrings, gluteus maximus, the erector spine in the lower back, the thoracic spine in the middle and upper back and the big latissimus dorsi muscles. You also build core strength by engaging the abdominals and improve posture too.

Deadlift technique

How to set up the perfect deadlift

The movement

How it should feel

As you lower the bar you should feel a stretch in the back of your thighs, and as you rise tall you should feel tension in the back of your thighs and your glutes. Throughout the movement you should feel constant postural control through all regions of the back.

How to maximize results

Most of the time your thoracic spine, which is the upper and middle area of your back, is naturally flexed, so to get the best results from your deadlifts you really need to focus on activating the thoracic extensors. You can easily do this by turning your elbows to the rear and making sure they stay pointed this way. With your elbows pointed backwards you contract your scapular retractor muscles and activate all the muscles that extend and stabilize your thoracic spine. You can read more about making your deadlifts more effective here.

What to watch out for

If you’re keen to practice your deadlift technique, you’re sure to get a good dose of deadlifts in any BODYPUMP or LES MILLS GRIT Strength workout. You can find a class at a 24 Hour Fitness location close to you.

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