How To Measure A Day

I’m a sucker for a good, thought-provoking read. Luckily, there are is an endless supply of amazing books and authors and more coming online every day. I believe strongly that the ability to read and consider other experiences, ideas and insights creates a world of thought and imagination that generates new worlds of reality that can impact the many. The written word (regardless of how it is consumed) is a massive influence for transformational thinking. Readers become leaders.
A few reads have impacted me so much that I have made it a practice to reread and reflect on their messages annually. One that I’ve shared before is Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl which I read every fall. Another is Clayton Christensen’s unconventional book of inspiration and wisdom for achieving a fulfilling life—How Will You Measure Your Life. I typically read this around the end of the year as I plan the year ahead and map out my dreams. However, this year, I was consumed by another great read, Ray Dalio’s Principles (which I also highly recommend), and thus decided to save Christensen to kick off summer visioning. I found it perfect timing, considering our focus in 24Life magazine this month explores the question of how to make best use of the 24 hours in a day that we are all equally gifted.
Time, we discover, is subjective. From a very early age, we learn constructs, language, worldview and paradigms that impact our consideration of what time is, how to spend it, what is a valuable use of time. For many, what we do with our time gets linked inextricably to a conversation of productivity, achievement and self-worth as well as human contribution. Christenson taught a legendary course at Harvard Business School to show students how to apply the principle of purpose-driven wisdom to their personal lives. He shared with them a set of guidelines that helped him find meaning in his own life and that inspires everyone to stop for a moment and consider what really matters to each of us: What it means to lead a fulfilling life and to create our own unique path.
Integrating these questions is critical to our health in both mind and body. Everything that thrives grows from our most authentic expression of who we are—and everything that creates chaos, disease, unhappiness and angst in the world stems from a fractured sense of agency in our lives.
How we spend our days impacts our health and our happiness. Our feature story is a conversation with Shaman Durek, a fifth-generation shaman. A spiritual guide and gifted healer, Shaman Durek acts as a mediator or “bridge” between the spiritual and physical planes and applies ancient spiritual wisdom coupled with decades of devoted study and practice. His goal is to help bring success, happiness and healing into people’s lives—and he wants everyone to learn to do this themselves. He teaches that it’s simply a matter of having accepted reality that prevents us from seeing all that is available to us to effect lasting and transformational change in our lives each and every day.
Part of feeling better is making better choices each day that add more energy to your body and empower you to move through the day. Fitness icon and best-selling author Chalene Johnson breaks down a new approach to eating that liberates you from counting calories and feeling bad about yourself. And physical therapist and social media sensation Jen Esquer (or Doc Jen Fit as she is known worldwide) teaches us to reconsider simple mobility movements that will unlock our body’s ability to access health and increase our agency to move throughout the day. She describes it as our authentic expression, and discusses how it feeds our attitudes.
In this issue of 24Life, we also look at our daily habits and find out from Tiffany Cruikshank why we should take another look at our yoga practice and consider it as medicine for body mind and soul. And it’s always a good time to try out pro cooking shortcuts or a tasty new flavor like Elle Penner’s green ginger smoothie—the perfect refresher after our total-body-and-core workout that you can take anywhere your body may go.
Whatever you may need, know that our life is made of moments, weeks are made of days, and day breaks down to action and choices that you get to experience, celebrate and direct accordingly. Get present, get conscious and get intentional with how you own your day—and fill it with all that brings you closer to you, and to those you want to celebrate in the glowing light of summer. This is how you measure a day, and in this issue, you’ll find the 24-minute plan for your dream day.
With full gratitude and inspiration,
(PS—watch for our Hot 24 Summer Read Watch Listen list.)
Video credit: DDCoral, Shutterstock
Photo credit: Jesus Kiteque, Unsplash