Cardio Revival

Tired of trotting on the treadmill? Dig into this total-body workout that does double duty, building strength and elevating your heart rate with classic moves punctuated by cardio blasts to really get you going.
(Perform each move for 45 seconds.)

Ankle Rotation
- Stand with your feet under your hips, hands on your hips.
- Bring your right knee up to hip height, balancing on your left leg, and rotate your right ankle, making clockwise circles with your foot. Reverse the move and make circles counterclockwise.
- Place your right foot on the ground and repeat on the other leg.
Hip Shift
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your hips.
- Shift your hips back to your right, bending your right knee and sinking down into your leg.
- Press through your right foot to return to start and shift your hips back to the left, sinking into your left leg.
- Return to start and repeat, shifting back and forth, getting a little deeper each time.

Hip Circles
- Stand with your feet under your hips, hands on your hips.
- Bring your right knee up to hip height, then rotate it out and around to place your toes on the ground behind you.
- Pick it back up and rotate it back out to your side and around in front of you, placing it on the ground where you started.
- Repeat, rotating each hip back and forth, then switch legs.
Jog in Place to High Knees
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart, arms at your sides.
- Begin jogging in place, then slowly escalate to running in place, pumping your arms and lifting your knees to hip height.

Squat Jacks With Chest and Shoulder Opener
- Stand with your feet under your hips, arms at your sides.
- Jump your feet out wide and land in a squat as your arms come overhead like you’re performing a jumping jack.
- Jump back in to start, arms by your sides.
- Jump your feet out wide again, landing in a squat, taking your arms out to your sides to open up your chest.
- Jump back in to start and repeat, alternating hands overhead and out wide.
Walkout Plank With Push-Up
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
- Hinge at your hips and reach down for the ground with both hands.
- Walk your hands out to a plank position, hold, then walk your hands back to your feet.
- Return to standing. Repeat.
- Start in a prone position with your hands wider than shoulder-width apart and your feet hip-width apart.
- Lower your chest to the floor and then push the floor away from you to return to the starting position.

Set 1 (Repeat twice, with little to no rest between moves, resting 30 to 60 seconds between sets.)

Front to Side to Back Lunge (30 seconds)
- Stand with your feet under your hips, hands on your hips.
- Step your right foot forward to come into a lunge, both knees to 90 degrees. Step back to start.
- Step your right foot out to your side and sit your hips back into a side lunge. Press through your foot to return to stand in your starting position.
- Step your right foot back to come into a reverse lunge, both knees to 90 degrees.
- Press through your front foot to stand. Repeat on left side.
Push-Up With Lateral Walk (30 seconds)
- Begin in an extended plank pose, with your feet hip-width apart, your toes on the ground and your hands under your shoulders.
- Perform a push-up, then walk your hands and feet laterally for one step, and perform another push-up. Walk back to start and perform a push-up.
- Continue alternating between push-ups and lateral walks.

Cross-Body Mountain Climber (30 seconds)
- Begin in an extended plank position, with your arms straight, hands under shoulders and your body in a long, straight line from head to heels.
- While keeping your hands on the floor, drive your right knee in and across your body toward your left elbow.
- Quickly reverse the positions of your legs, extending your right leg until it’s straight and supported by your toes while bringing your left foot forward. You’ll feel like you are “running” in place, twisting through your body to drive opposite knee to opposite elbow.
CARDIO BLAST: Side-to-Side Low Shuffle With Cross-Body Reach and Floor Tap (1 minute)
- Start in an athletic stance, knees slightly bent.
- Step quickly to your right and slide your left foot to meet your right, repeating to travel a few steps to your right. Reach down with your left hand to touch the floor near your right foot.
- Pause and step to your left, shuffling in that direction for a few steps. Reach down with your right hand to touch the floor near your left foot.
- Continue to alternate shuffling a few steps to the right and then a few steps to the left, touching the ground with the opposite hand each time.

Set 2 (Repeat twice, with little to no rest between moves, resting 30 to 60 seconds between sets.)

Squat Jump (30 seconds)
- From a standing position, sink into a squat and swing your arms back.
- Hold for a moment, and then press through the balls of your feet and jump straight up as high as you can. Allow your arms to swing up and lift your body.
- As you land, absorb the impact by bending your knees.
- In one smooth motion, sink back into a squat and repeat.
TIP: Keep your chest upright throughout the movement.
Bear Crawl Forward and Back (30 seconds)
- Begin on your hands and knees. Keeping your back flat, core engaged and neck neutral, flex your feet to rise up onto your toes so that your hips and knees remain at 90 degrees with your knees hovering off the ground.
- Step your right and left foot forward, alternating, to travel forward for a few feet. Then reverse the arm-and-leg motion to crawl backward to return to the starting point and repeat.

Bicycle Crunch (30 seconds)
- Lie on your back with your feet on the floor and your arms behind your head.
- Curl up, bringing your right elbow and shoulder across your body. At the same time, raise your left knee to meet your right elbow. Return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.
CARDIO BLAST: Burpee With Lateral Jump (1 minute)
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart, arms at your sides.
- In one fluid motion, drop into a squat and place your hands on the ground, and jump your feet straight behind you to a high-plank position.
- Lower into a push-up, and as you push back up, jump your feet under your hips to squat.
- Push through your heels to jump up and laterally, and land softly, dropping into a squat to repeat the sequence, jumping laterally from side to side between each rep.

(Perform each move for 30 45 seconds.)

Hip-Flexor Stretch With Twist
- Lower your body into a half-kneeling position, with your left knee and your right foot on the floor so that your right leg is bent at a 90-degree angle.
- Keep your spine long and strong from head to knee and push forward from your hips, taking deep breaths as you hold the stretch. Reach your opposite arm up and twist through your torso to bring it to the outside of your front knee.
- Hold, then return to half kneeling, step your left foot forward with your right knee on the floor and repeat the stretch on your right side. Lift your other hand and twist, placing it on the outside of your forward leg.
Standing Quad Stretch
- Begin standing with your feet under your hips, hands by your sides.
- Bring your right foot up behind you and grab the top of your right foot with your right hand.
- Push your knees together as you hold the stretch.
- Release and repeat on other side.

Chest-Opener Stretch
- Stand with your feet under your hips, arms at your sides.
- Clasp your hands behind your back, interlacing your fingers.
- Pull your hands down toward the ground to open up your chest. Hold the stretch, then release.
Standing IT Band Stretch
- Stand with your feet under your hips, arms at your sides.
- Bring your right foot behind your left and to the side as you bring your right arm overhead and left arm across your belly. Lean to your right until you feel the stretch.
- Release and repeat on the opposite side.

Video credit: Videoblocks
Photo credit: fizkes, Thinkstock; Mark Kuroda, kurodastudios.com
Hair and make-up: Katie Nash, katienashbeauty.com
Model: Jason Johnson, 24 Hour Fitness