Love Thy Neighbor With Cassey Ho’s Apartment-Friendly Workout

Blogilates and POP Pilates creator Cassey Ho is also a champion of body positivity and loving your workout—and the results. So in the spirit of self-love and community, Ho has created a workout that’s perfect for your apartment. Whether you’re already a fan or new to Pilates, we think you’ll love it—and so will the neighbors.

24Life also asked Ho about some of the loves of her life, and here’s what she had to say.

24Life: How do you stay passionate about your fitness over time?

Cassey Ho: I constantly change up my fitness routine. I get into these “phases” where I am all about dance for three or four months, then I’m super into hot yoga for another few months, and so on. I let my body talk to me and tell me what I need. I like to keep both my mind and body challenged—so that means taking new classes all the time! It’s an adventure, and I love exploring!

24Life: What are the foods you love that are also delicious to eat?

CH: Have you ever tried my banana pancakes? They are so good! Just blend two eggs and a banana and then use the batter as you would any normal pancake batter. Put it on a pan with some coconut oil, flip and boom! Pancakes! SO GOOD.

24Life: What advice do you have for someone struggling with loving his or her body wherever it is on the fitness journey?

CH: I think almost everyone struggles to love his or her body. So first off, know that you’re not alone in feeling this way. But once you realize it, take your mind from a place of feeling like a victim to feeling like you run your life! And the truth is, you do! You’re the CEO of your life, and you can make any changes you want to make your fitness journey a happy and healthy one. So stop focusing on the looks and go for the feels. Do whatever feels good and you will be on your way to ultimate wellness.

24Life: Any advice for fitness with a friend or loved one?

CH: This one is hard! I think a lot of times trying to get a close friend or loved one healthy can get into really personal and offensive territory if that person’s mindset is not in the right place. So never nag. Don’t be judgmental. Just share with love and sneak in the healthy stuff wherever you can. Ask him or her to come over for dinner and prepare a healthy meal. Ask him or her to go on a hike with you to catch up on things. Then hopefully, they will relate all these positive feelings with being active and well.

24Life: As part of a newly engaged couple, any special plans to celebrate Valentine’s Day?

CH: Hmmm, not sure yet!!! Sam’s birthday is just a couple of weeks before, and we will be traveling to Mexico for a fun trip … so we’ll probably keep it super low-key for Valentine’s Day!

Photo and video: Courtesy POP Pilates