Dr. Jackie Mills On Why Self-Care Matters for Group Fitness Instructors and Innovators
From delivering babies to designing and teaching group fitness classes, Dr. Jackie Mills has truly done it all. In May, Mills shared her top tips for creating a community you love. 24Life asked Mills to share some advice based on her experience leading and creating group fitness classes, plus her own go-to workouts and how she takes care of herself while leading a global brand.
24Life: When did you realize the incredible power of social and behavioral influence that group fitness instructors could have over the participants in their class?
JM: From the first time I taught a class way back in 1980.
24Life: How did you take care of yourself while teaching so many fitness workouts?
JM: I have always been a superfood eater. I was trained by my dad to eat this way. Incredible food is the key to energy for me.
24Life: Women—especially mothers—have always been in this cycle of superhuman productivity. How can we have a life and prevent burnout yet be passionately empowered and proactive to make a positive impact in our world?
JM: Mindfulness! Taking care of ourselves alongside caring for others.
24Life: How has your personal approach to fitness and workouts evolved over your lifetime?
JM: High-impact and now moderate- to low-impact and not so many hours a week.
24Life: What is your go-to workout?
JM: BODYPUMP, GRIT Strength and yoga.
24Life: What are you currently reading?
JM: “Drawdown” by Paul Hawken and “A Year of Marvellous Ways” by Sarah Winman.
24Life: Do you have any podcasts or audio experiences that you love?
JM: Tara Brach.
24Life: What mantra or message would you share with the world?
JM: Pause and be as loving, kind and brave as you can be in each moment—especially to yourself.
24Life: What is your next vacation?
JM: Hawaii yoga camp. Yahooooo!
Photo credit: Courtesy of Les Mills