Ready to Run: Movement Preparation
For well more than two decades, we have been competing either at a world-class level or coaching high-level athletes and teams in nearly every sporting event you can imagine.
The one practice that unites them all is a thorough warm-up or movement preparation before training or competing.
Ironically, this vital preparation practice is nearly always neglected by recreational athletes or people looking to improve their fitness. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the case of running. Here’s a scenario that’s probably going to sound familiar: You have a morning run workout scheduled, and you wake up, drink some coffee and go at it, figuring that you’ll warm up as you get going into the session. The problem is that you’re trying to warm up by hammering the pavement with cold and stiff joints, connective tissues, ligaments, tendons and nervous system.
Not only is this strategy counterproductive in the short and long term, but it also flies in the face of foundational practices of every sport on the planet. Ever been to a yoga class where they just throw you into headstands and crazy spinal rotations? Nope. Every serious movement tradition respects the maxim that you need to warm up. And we should perform some kind of movement preparation routine because we know it better inoculates us against potential movement-related dysfunctions and because it universally improves our performance. Want to run faster? Warm up. Want to feel better between runs so you can run more often and farther? Warm up. Great, you say, but what does it mean? What does this practice look like? Here is your plan.
Level 1: No running for 10 minutes. Without adding any skills or complication to your life, simply commit to brisk walking for at least 10 minutes before you break out into an easy trot. There is a lot of complex physiology that can get spun up in the 10-minute gap between stillness and that first step. You’ll be giving your body a chance to shift blood from your digestive system to your legs and lungs. You’ll allow your venous system to return the extra blood that’s been pooling in your legs’ veins to get put into circulation. Your connective tissues will start to perfuse with increased blood flow and you’ll start to switch on your metabolic machinery. It’s a no-brainer. Your body is an extraordinary machine that is designed to run. Give that thing a chance to work in your favor.
Level 2: Use the 10-minute, no-run rule to work on running skills and prep the ranges of motion required to actually run fast. My favorite run prep, believe it or not, is jumping rope. Spending three to four minutes skipping rope will do the following:
- Strengthen your feet
- Wake up and cue correct foot-strike mechanics (no one jumps rope with a heel strike)
- Jump-start your heart and quickly get tissues prepped for the increased loading associated with running
Here is a simple template we use.
- Jump rope for two minutes with your feet together, keeping your big toes connected, followed by 100 skips on your left foot only and then 100 skips on your right foot only.
- Stay a minute or so in the bottom position of your squat with your feet straight ahead. Stand up, squeeze your butt and perform 20 to 30 tempo air squats. Lower yourself down at a two- to three-second pace, pause, take a big breath and stand up at a two- to three-second tempo pace.
- Improve your trailing leg. Get into an exaggerated lunge position. Keep your feet pointed straight ahead and your front shin vertical. Try to get your elbows on the ground while breathing in as deeply as you are able. Spend 30 seconds wiggling around in the position to explore areas that may be restricted. After a minute or so, switch sides and repeat the process.
- Trunk mobility. Since you are already on the ground, drop into Downward-Facing Dog and peddle your feet by alternating bending your knees. After 30 seconds or so, drop all the way down into the bottom position of a push-up with your hands tucked in by your sides and press up to Cobra, keeping your glutes squeezed. Take a big breath and push back into Downward Dog. Repeat this cycle three to five times.
- Agility. Spend two to three minutes skipping, hopping, running backward, running sideways, carioca-ing, jogging with high knees or literally any other leg-related, non-running locomotion you can think of. Feeling warm yet? We thought so. Go slay it.
Photo credit: LMproduction, AdobeStock